Merrow Schools Federation

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Merrow CofE Infant School - Kingfisher Drive, Guildford GU4 7EA | | 01483 561501
Merrow Junior School - Sheeplands Ave, Guildford, Surrey GU1 2SG | | 01483 598544,

01483 561501, 01483 598544

Merrow Schools Federation

Together We Grow

More Able

At Merrow Schools Federation we celebrate the fact that we have many children who have talents in a variety of areas of the curriculum. In the past these children were often given the title of ‘Gifted and Talented’. This term has been replaced with that of ‘More Able’.

The DfE and Ofsted define the more able in terms of those whose progress significantly exceeds age-related expectations.

Staff at Merrow Schools Federation use a variety of methods to identify those children that we believe are working at greater depth. These are some of the indicators of children who are more able.

  • Shows a passion for a particular subject and seeks to pursue them independently
  • Masters the rules of a domain easily and can transfer their insights to new situations/problems
  • Analyses their own behaviours and hence uses a greater range of learning strategies than others can (self regulation)
  • Make connections between past and present learning
  • Work at a ‘level’ beyond that expected for their years
  • Shows intellectual maturity and enjoys engaging in depth with subject material
  • Actively and enthusiastically engages in debate and discussion on a particular subject
  • Produces original and creative responses to tasks/problems

We believe that more able pupils should be given the opportunity to study subjects to a greater breadth and depth and we provide opportunities to develop pupils’ specific skills and talents.

We are mindful of the importance of our role in helping to develop the whole child and not just one aspect of their abilities.